Nylene 607
Very high viscosity extrusion resin having an ASTM relative viscosity of 800. Particularly recommended for the extrusion of thick slab, large rod stock, and large complex profiles. Optimum processing conditions should permit for a melt temperature of 550 – 575°F (289 – 301°C) at the die. Properties promote dimensional control for extrusion of pipe, tubing, film, and sheet.
Nylene 609
Nylon 6, high viscosity, extrusion grade recommended for practically all types of extrusion including profile, film, and extrusion coating Can also be used for blow molding applications Optimum processing conditions should permit for a melt temperature of 550 – 575°F (289 – 301°C) at the die. Especially recommended for flexible packaging where as a film or coating it is used for the outside layer in multi-ply film constructions