Contact Us

Ready to discuss your unique material needs or have questions about our specialty nylon and custom compounds? We’re here to assist you every step of the way.

We Ready to Help

Questions about our specialty nylon and custom compounds? We’re here to help. Reach out to us via phone or email, or visit one of our locations. Let’s discuss how we can cater to your unique material needs.


Contacts from our Global Sales Network

Visiting Us?

We prioritize the safety and well-being of our website visitors. To ensure a secure environment, we have implemented a comprehensive COVID policy. Please take a moment to review our policy by clicking the button below.

Inquiry Form

How are we doing?
We value your feedback in our ongoing efforts to improve. Select a feedback form to share your thoughts anonymously, and we'll forward it to the relevant departments.

If you want a response, include your contact details in the comment field of the form.

General Inquiry

You may also call US: 1-800-626-7050 (Canada: 1-800-267-7394 x200) for media inquiries.

Quote Request

Please provide your contact information and then click ‘Next’ to provide your requirements for a Quote or Sample. Alternatively, you can call us at 1-800-626-7050.

Material Replacement Inquiry

Please provide us with your requirements or any information on the material you would like to replace. To speak to a representative about your application, please call 1-800-626-7050.

Career Inquiry

We are always on the lookout for candidates with excellent skills, expertise and knowledge to join us. Check out our postings or send us your resume using this form.

Product Stewardship & Safety Data Sheet Request

Please fill out the form below to request safety, compliance, approvals, and certification documents. This will ensure that we provide you with the information that meets your needs and conforms to regional legislation requirements. We send up-to-date SDS via email.

Contact Sales & Technical Service
You may also call US: 1-800-626-7050 (Canada: 1-800-267-7394 x200) for media inquiries.
Public and Media Inquiries
You may also call US: 1-800-626-7050 (Canada: 1-800-267-7394 x200) for media inquiries.
Supplier and Vendor Inquiries
If you are a supplier/vendor and interested in contacting one of our departments please fill this form and indicate what services or products your are offering.

Our Locations

Corporate Office

6111 Broken Sound Parkway
Boca Raton, Florida  33431
Tel:  973-694-4141
TF:   800-626-7050
Fax: 973-694-3549

Business Hours:
8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (EST) - Monday to Friday

USA Facility

1421 Hwy-136 West
Henderson, Kentucky  42420
Tel:  270-826-7641
TF:   800-626-7050
Fax: 270-827-8509

Business Hours:
8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (CST) - Monday to Friday

Canada Facility

200 McNab Street
Arnprior, Ontario  K7S 3P2
Tel:  613-623-3191
TF:   800-267-7394
Fax: 613-623-8922

Business Hours:
8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (EST) - Monday to Friday

Call Us

Nylene USA 800-626-7050
Nylene Canada 800-267-7394
Corporate Office 973-694-3549

Covid-19 Notice

At Nylene, the health and welfare of our employees, customers and suppliers are part of our corporate and social responsibility. We continue to monitor guidance from various agencies regarding health and safety precautions related to the corona virus, known as COVID-19.

As a result, Nylene is implementing the following guidelines in an effort to maintain the safest work environment and to limit further spread of this virus.

These precautionary practices include:

  • We have increased the frequency of cleaning for common area surfaces such as door knobs, handles and railings and shared work areas.
  • We have put in place guidelines to handle presumptive cases of the virus in the plant as well as a policy for any employee suspecting their contact with a presumptive case.
  • We recommend keeping physical distance from others and wearing a face mask whenever distancing is not possible.
  • We continue to follow the provincial guidelines and direction from our local health unit.
  • Visitors must pass the Covid screening questionnaire before entering the site.

If you plan on visiting our site please ensure that you have no Covid symptoms, if you have recently had Covid you must be symptom free for a minimum 10 days.