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At Nylene, the health and welfare of our employees, customers, and suppliers are part of our corporate and social responsibility. We continue to monitor guidance from various agencies regarding health and safety precautions related to the coronavirus, known as COVID-19.

As a result, Nylene is implementing the following guidelines in an effort to maintain the safest work environment and to limit the further spread of this virus.

These precautionary practices include:

  • We have increased the frequency of cleaning for common area surfaces such as door knobs, handles, railings, and shared work areas.
  • We have put in place guidelines to handle presumptive cases of the virus in the plant as well as a policy for any employee suspecting contact with a presumptive case.
  • We recommend keeping physical distance from others and wearing a face mask whenever distancing is not possible.
  • We continue to follow the provincial guidelines and directions from our local health unit.
  • Visitors must pass the Covid screening questionnaire before entering the site.

If you plan on visiting our site please ensure that you have no Covid symptoms, if you have recently had Covid you must be symptom-free for a minimum of 10 days.


United-states_flag_icon_round.svg Nylene USA
Corporate HQ/Facility
Kentucky Facility
canada-svgrepo-com.svg Nylene Canada
Ontario Facility
Canada Sales Office
International Flag Icon Round International
South America
Europe/Middle East
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