Nylene Corporate HQ & Facility
55 Haul Road, Wayne, NJ 07470
P: 973-694-4141 | F: 973-694-3549
ECHA, the European Chemical Agency has issued an Authorization List and a Candidates List for Authorization of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) under REACH regulations. It has also issued a list of restricted substances under REACH Annex XVII.
Polymeric Resources Inc. is a manufacturer of nylon (polyamide) polymer resins under the trade names Nylene, Custom Resins and ALM. We do not manufacture any of our polymer resins with, or add to our resins, any of the substances listed in either the SVHC Authorization / Candidates list or in Annex XVII.
To the best of our knowledge, our raw materials supplies are not known to contain any of the substances in these lists. Since these substances are not expected to be present in our products, we do not routinely test for their presence or require our raw material suppliers to do so.
For further information, please contact our Customer Service Department at 973-694-4141.
Herman Friedman
Compliance OfficerÂ
SVHC notice 13.00.doc