Nylene Corporate HQ & Facility
55 Haul Road, Wayne, NJ 07470
P: 973-694-4141 | F: 973-694-3549
Date: February 15, 2025
To Whom it may concern,
RE: TSCA and DSL Inventories
Please be advised that all the materials that we use in the manufacture of Nylene® polymer resins are listed both in the United States ‘Toxic Substances Control Act’ (TSCA) “active list” and the Canadian ‘Domestic Substances List’ (CTSL).
We do not manufacture any product containing materials not on these lists.
For additional information please contact our Customer Service department at 973-694-4141.
Date Updated September 5, 2023.
Herman Friedman
Compliance Officer
TSCA and DSL 2.3